
Monday, January 28, 2008
Okay, quickie update cause Hubs needs the computer to do his homework.

I SOSOSOSOSOSO excited that I was linked to in the Ravelry newsletter!!!! It's for the thread I started about Random Sleep Outbursts. Awesome! here's a link if you're on Rav.


Also I just ordered my Vintage Socks in Pinot! holy crap fantastic knit day!

Here's the YarnHarlot post that started the vintage uproar. There's other posts about it after that one too though.

In other news, I cast on Jeanie. Then I ripped and cast on again. Then I ripped and cast on again. The I ripped and cast on again. The I ripped and cast on AGAIN. this thing is kicking my butt.

Posted by Elyse at 9:43 PM | 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
And the yarny goodness has arrived and then some...

From left to right we have Socks that Rock Valkyrie, LimenViolet Sasquatch Sock Audrey Hepburn, CrashintoEwe Pumpkin Myst, and my fave theDyeingArts Gothic Boobies.

I got the Audrey at my first SnB meeting last night. It was flabbergastingly funtabulous. Ashley and I met some freakin awesome people and we can't wait to do it again next week!

I finally finished the Sunrise Circle Jacket. The pictures don't do it justice. It's alot more fitted looking in person.

I'm so in love with it. I've been wearing it every chance I get. Especially now that I found a sweater pin on Etsy from RubyVegas. I LURV it!!

I also BARELY finished a Calorimetry to match the jacket. Seriously, I had to use scraps from the jacket to piece together a bind off but it still turned out well.

I like it but I wish I could wear it a little bit more effectively. I think my head is shaped weird. I mean really I'm the only person in the world I know of that can't wear headbands without them slipping or looking ridiculous. It's still cute as long as I wear it with some bangs hanging out. Otherwise I have an egg head. No really.

Next project is Jeanie with the STR Valkyrie, which got cast on at the SnB. Thanks to DragonKnitter for showing me the provisional cast on. I hope she wasn't too frustrated that my see-and-do skills suck and I ended up just looking it up online. Her showing me definitely helped but I have to watch it over and over to get it and she was super busy with LnV orders. How super nice was it of her to take the time to show me in the midst of that!?

Posted by Elyse at 4:22 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Circle Sunrise Jacket is almost done. It's all seamed and fits! Now all that's left is about 1/2 the hem line on the Jacket and sleeves. If I finish it today I'll try to get some pics. Crosses Fingers. I'm soooo ready to finish this. I want to try and get a Calorimetry out of the left overs but after seeing how much yarn I'm using in the finishing stage I'm doubtful. Actually I'm quite surprised how much seaming I've done in the past couple days considering the "Stupid Stomach Suckness" that has invaded my home. First it was Rashawn on Friday morning. Luckily he was done puking well before the time came for the Hubs and I to go out and celebrate our 5th Anniversary. Yeah! 5yrs and we still can't get enough of each other. More about the Anny later. So Rashawn was fine after sleeping it off. Poor kid missed his 100th day of school party. Ironically we stayed up the night before trying to get his 100 things poster done since it was due.

(photo to be added later because I stupidly forgot to take a pic before shuffling Rashawn off to school with it)

I was so freakin excited about this. I thought the crayons were a great idea until we finished it and I held it up. Yeah, a hundred crayons isn't exactly light. His teachers are going to hate me.

So the sickness hit me on Saturday morning just as hard as it hit kiddo numero 1. The bug apparently is insistent upon making you puke your innards out for several hours and then when you're so exhausted you pass out you sleep it off and all is well. Okay, well-ish. My midsection still isn't 100%. The tum is still if-y enough that I'm sticking to the gingerale for a bit this morning. Especially after eating Chipotle last night and my stomach really not liking me for it. I can deal with the needing to relax for a bit (oh woe is me ;P) but the feeling like my chest is imploding every time I cough is kinda irking. Poor Rayden got the triple S yesterday just as I had slept it off. Did exactly what Rashawn and I had and then slept all night. He's fine today.

So everyone is fine currently. I'm still in awe of the fact we still got to go out Friday night. It was a fantastic night. First we went to Kobe Steakhouse and had the BEST cook ever! He made a joke about the finely chopped parsley being Japanese marijuana and then put a little mound on my plate and said "Happy Anniversary, Ma'am." Then proceeded to take the paper off my chopsticks and lay on top of the "marijauana" and said "there's some paper but you'll have to forgive me, I left my lighter in the back." It was hilarious. Then near the end of the "cooking experience" he asks if I want some mushrooms. I LOVE mushrooms so I'm like "uh, YEAH." He then asks for one of the waiters to bring him another steak and he makes me a STEAK too. FOR FREE! It was awesome. Steak there is really expensive too. Funny thing is, he was Mexican and I tend to get a lot of attention for them. I know it sounds bad but seriously I do. It happens A LOT. I thought maybe it was because I was blonde but Friday night I had red hair, so guess not. Today my hair is black with strawberry blonde stripes. It was actually an attempt at #78 on the list but the pink didn't really come out as PINK as I wanted but whatev. I'm good, it's cute.

So we also went to see Cloverfield on Friday. SO good. But one HUGE WARNING if you get motion sick EVER then DON'T see this movie in the theater. The count for our theater was close to 30 people who walked out because of feeling sick. It was so bad that the security guard warned us before the movie started. The whole movie is basically this guy filming mass hysteria. Sounds lame but it was AMAZING. I was one of the sickies and I still LOVED it. I can't wait until until it comes out on video and I can actually watch the entire movie.

Next post should have some new yarny goodness in it. I ordered some Socks That Rock in the Raven Clan Valkyrie. Unfortunately is was delivered to the main office for our apartments on friday and considering the puking I didn't get to pick it up yet. Why in the world wouldn't they be open on the weekends? Don't they know people need their yarn?? I also ordered yarn from TheDyeingArts and CrashIntoEwe on Etsy. Mmmmmmm....

Posted by Elyse at 10:46 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Kind of Knitter Are You?

You appear to be a Knitting Guru. You love knitting and do it all the time. While finishing a piece is the plan, you still love the process, and can't imagine a day going by without giving some time to your yarn. Packing for vacation involves leaving ample space for the stash and supplies. It can be hard to tell where the yarn ends and you begin.
Take this quiz!

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Posted by Elyse at 8:55 AM | 0 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I finished knitting the MJB Newsboy Cap!! I'm excited to get it done even if I'll never wear it. It didn't come out quite the way I wanted but I'm still going to write up the pattern and post it. You never know, maybe someone might like it! So here's a pic.

Try to ignore the creepiness that is my face in this picture. I was looking in the mirror to try and get a good shot. Silly me.

So anyway I used LionBrand Jiffy Thick and Quick. I've wanted to use this yarn for awhile but never got around to it. I loved the charcoal colorway too. It's so classy and the yarn is super duper squishy, who can resist that? I bought two skeins and only used one so now I have more fun yarn to play with!

I'm getting back to the Sunrise Circle Jacket now. I want to finish that up so I can move on to some of the things on my list. Notice over 25% of my list is knitting. Hmmmm...if I didn't know any better I'd think I was a tad bit obsessed. Oh wait I AM obsessed! Making awesome things with some sticks and some string has that effect on a lot of us apparently.

Posted by Elyse at 5:30 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Well it's 2008! I know I posted some resolutions in the last post but I stumbled upon the 101 in 1001 since then. I made up a rough draft and I'll post a link in the sidebar to the official breakdown and a blog where I'll explain some of the things on the list in the first post. My start date is today so my end date will be Sept 28, 2010. So here goes my 101!

1 knit harry potter stuff(at least 5 projects)
2 potty train Rayden
3 Potty Train Rion
4 knit 2 shawls
5 knit 3 sweaters/jacket
6 write 1st book in fantasy series
7 submit book to publishing company
8 design a knitting pattern
9 treat hubby to a candlelight dinner
10 knit a sweater for Hubby
11 re-knit Hubby's knucks
12 start an art journal
13 go letterboxing with Dad at least 10 times
14 finish 10 things on my Ravelry queue
15 fill out Rion's baby book
16 fill out Rayden's baby book
17 knit 3 pairs of socks
18 lose 30 lbs
19 wear "the dress" on a fancy date with Hubby
20 get 20 recipes from Mom
21 knit christmas presents for mom, dad, ian and megan, and erik by dec 08
22 read 200 new books to the boys
23 read one complete children's book series to the boys
24 take at least 1 college course
25 make 500 entries in my journal
26 make 120 blog entries
27 do 40 mins of yoga 200 times
28 record a cd
29 get celebratory knitting tattoo (for losing weight)
30 get "tramp stamp" tattoo
31 go to 2 knitting/wool events
32 get second car
33 get Corgi puppy and name him Dobby
34 teach Rashawn how to knit
35 upload complete stash to Ravelry
36 knit at least one VERY lacey item
37 start and finish Wedding Afghan
38 frame and hang all posters
39 knit christmas stockings
40 go on Old Market date with Hubby including horse drawn carriage ride
41 join one sock knitting club (i.e. Socks that Rock)
42 reread Harry Potter books
43 try project 365
44 knit lampshades
45 quit my job(when mike graduates of course!)
46 be in Lincoln Trailer at work every night (not based on whether the new guy is there or not)
47 get 2000 package scans in one night at work
48 try a papaya
49 sing in church
50 get bump on leg removed
51 go on road/plane trip with Hubby
52 get Ryobi radio for work
53 go to membership 101 class and join the church
54 try an Avocado
55 start writing a fiction novel based on my life
56 whiten my teeth and be better about brushing/flossing
57 get rid of full size bed and set up queen size
58 convince Hubby to let me get a guinea pig to tide me over until I can get Dobby
59 knit pirate sweater for Zander
60 pull crib down
61 reteach Ashley to knit
62 get engagement ring fixed
63 finally send my sockpal her package (I'm the worst ever!)
64 send out non-Christmas cards
65 buy Socks that Rock yarn
66 Do something special for Mike for 5 yr Anniversary
67 read at least one book along with a book club (preferrably a knitting book club)
68 pay my library fines :(
69 dye hair black with pink streaks
70 read Koga Ninja Scrolls
71 finish Jaywalkers
72 knit MJB Hat
73 go to at least one concert with Hubby
74 play through at least one full Wii game
75 make Hubby an air force blanket
76 get Starz onDemand
77 get 5k missort rate at work for one month
78 do photoshoot for Hubby after losing weight
79 rewatch Smallville seasons
80 buy at least 4 skeins of sock yarn w/o having a pattern in mind
81 buy three knitting related shirts (tee,hoodie, or otherwise)
82 go horseback riding
83 meet at least one of the LimenViolet podcasters (this includes Carin)
84 lose 5 lbs
85 lose 10 lbs
86 lose 15 lbs
87 lose 20 lbs
88 lose 25 lbs
89 Buy Howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke
90 make tooth fairy pillows for the boys
91 read and/or watch The Namesake
92 read and/or watch I Am Legend
93 find thick/thin pattern for Giboulees yarn
94 knit up Giboulees yarn
95 get back into Bible Studies
96 find new background for computer
97 buy warioware for the Wii
98 overcome stage "nervousness" (it isn't quite stage "fright" but it's still a hindrance)
99 Get Avatar: The Last Airbender seasons (however many they release in the next couple years plus)
100 start taking prenatal vitamins for an overall health boost
101 make new list

As far as knitting goes I'm working on my own pattern for this hat!

I'll hopefully finish the hat in the next few days and sooner or later I'll put the pattern up. I'm super excited about this because I've never made my own pattern before and it's going way better than expected. Well so far anyway!

Posted by Elyse at 2:19 PM | 0 comments